Thursday, July 8, 2010

Still Tuesday

Tuesday Evening,

Today was a rest day. We all slept in till around 10, which is quite late when you're in the mountains. I went on a day hike to scope out our trail for the next day, and in the process met a really interesting dude. His name was Rick. Rick was around his mid 40's and talked ridiculously fast. He was in great shape, and had really beefy legs. He looked like he was born in the mountains. We talked for about a half hour sharing trail tips, stories, and simple man chatter. He was a really friendly guy and had loads of backpacking experience. Meeting Rick made my day hike worth it.

Back at camp people were either fishing, reading, or feeding the fire. It was a very relaxing day.

Jake spent the night outside on Mike's chair due to his shoulder pain. He claims he slept great.

Oh, I almost forgot. I power owned everyone in Hearts. Shot the moon to win it. I'm terribly good at cards.

Best of days,

Team Jaderstorm

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